Have a question about DriveEzMD? Check out these frequently asked questions.
Questions about other programs may be answered in one of our other FAQs:
DriveEzMD.com is the main website for the new Maryland Tolling Program. This program aims to make your drive E-Z’er by providing innovative toll payment options that keep Maryland moving!
Maryland toll facilities are administered by the Maryland Transportation Authority.
The construction and maintenance of many roads in Maryland have been paid for with State and federal taxes. However, while transportation needs have increased, government budgets have decreased.
Toll roads offer a way to meet transportation challenges without raising taxes. Only those who use the facilities are charged for their upkeep and maintenance.
Roads are tolled for four reasons:
- To pay for a roadway that can’t be built soon enough with available resources
- To pay for the continued maintenance and operation of a roadway
- To pay for other transportation improvements in the area, such as work on highways, bridges and tunnels, travel plazas or toll facilities
- To help with traffic management and congestion
Toll roads offer economic, quality of life and safety benefits that can be delivered years sooner than they could be using other funding methods.
We’re here to help! You can contact us online, by phone or in person:
- Live chat
- By phone: 1-888-321-6824
- Via our contact form
- In person at one of our Customer Service Centers
Visit Account Types to explore four convenient, cash-free ways to pay Maryland tolls.
- E-ZPass is the most economical option, with discount plans optimized for commuters and other regular toll users.
- Pay-By-Plate is a hassle-free way to charge tolls to your credit card as you drive.
- Video Tolling is best suited to those who use toll facilities infrequently and prefer receiving a notice of toll due (NOTD) in the mail.
- 3rd Party Tolling Applications for use in Maryland provide varying services for making toll payments in association with a customer’s license plate.
If you still can’t decide which payment method is right for you, contact us:
- Live chat
- By phone: 1-888-321-6824
- Via our contact form
- In person at one of our Customer Service Centers
Toll rates may vary by facility, vehicle type, account type, or real time traffic conditions.To calculate the tolls for your trip, visit our Toll Rate Calculator.
You may also view toll rate details by facility on the MDTA site by visiting mdta.maryland.gov/TollRatesTables.
You can find up-to-date information about which payment methods are accepted at each Maryland toll facility by visiting the Toll Rate Calculator.
For additional information on payments by 3rd party applications, visit the 3rd Party Tolling Applications FAQ.
To change the name on your E-ZPass or Pay-By-Plate account, visit one of our DriveEzMD Customer Service Centers listed on the Contact Us page and provide one of the following documents:
- Marriage certificate
- Divorce decree
- Certificate of naturalization
- Court order approving a name change
If you cannot visit a Customer Service Center, please mail a copy of the document to DriveEzMD at P.O. Box 5060, Middle River, MD 21220-5060.
You must include your E-ZPass account number and the name as it is listed on the account as well as the new name.
Need assistance?
Customer Information Center
Monday – Friday: 7am – 8pm
Saturday: 8am – 2pm
TTY/Hearing impaired
Dial 711